5 Apr 2019 Marseille (France)



On Friday, April 5th, 2019 on the St-Charles campus, participate in a day of seminars and workshop-debates organized by Estelle Nakul for NeuroSchool. Come learn more about the relationship between biology and philosophy through a series of speakers who are tackling both topics in their research!



 What is a stem cell? What characteristics define a cell as a "stem" or "cancerous" one? Who can define these criteria?

Is self-representation described in the same way, from the psychological, anthropological or philosophical approaches? Can they be combined to describe the sense of body belonging?

More generally, what do biology and philosophy have to gain from each other? How does their interaction advance research?


With our scientific and philosophical speakers, take advantage of this day to learn how integrating philosophy in your research can improve it!


The day is open and free of charge to all Aix-Marseille University students and research professionals. As places are limited, registrations of NeuroSchool researchers and doctoral students will have priority.

Talks and discussions will be in French.

Possibility of obtaining ECTS credits for PhD students enrolled in the NeuroSchool PhD Program!


Registration is mendatory


Our speakers

The day before: public conference!

The day before this event, Henri Atlan will held a free and open-to-all conference on the topic "Spinoza and current biology"! Thursday, April 4th at 6pm at the Grand Amphi on the Saint-Charles campus.

More information and registration here.

Henri Atlan having been unable to attend at the last minute, the open-to-all conference on Thursday evening is postponed during the seminar day on Friday, April 5th, at 11:00 am in the Natural Sciences amphitheatre of the Saint-Charles campus!

People wishing to attend the general public conference do not need to register for this day-long seminar!

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